📄️ Introduction
ES6, also called ECMAScript 2015 is an addition to JavaScript syntax and adds some cool features to it. ES6 lets you write less code and do more. It makes our code easy to read and understand.
📄️ let and const
Traditionally, the keyword var is been used to declare variables in JavaScript but ES6 introduced two other keywords let and const to declare a variable. There are some issues with var that let and const try to solve.
📄️ Classes in JavaScript
In this , we will look at what OOP is, and also I will share some secrets behind classes in JavaScript.
📄️ Objects in JavaScript
Objects are the most used data type in JavaScript. Objects make it easy to work with data. But, What is actually an object, How does it look like?
📄️ Arrow Functions
Arrow functions syntax lets you write functions in a way that is concise, clean, and easy to read.
📄️ The mysterious 'this'
📄️ call() , apply() and bind()
we will be discussing the difference between call(), apply(), and bind() methods of JavaScript functions with simple examples. As functions are also Objects in JavaScript, these 3 methods are used to control the invocation of the function. call() and apply() were introduced in ECMAScript 3 while bind() was added as part of ECMAScript 5.