📄️ What is React? Why Use It?
React is a JavaScript library, not a framework.
📄️ What is JSX?
JSX is a way of building React user interfaces that uses the simple syntax of HTML, but adds the functionality and dynamic nature of JavaScript.
📄️ How do you pass data to React components?
There are 2 main ways of passing data to React components:
📄️ What is the difference between state and props?
States are values we can read and update in our React components.
📄️ What are React Fragments used for?
React fragments are a special feature in React that let you write group children elements or components without creating an actual node in the DOM.
📄️ Why do we need keys for React lists?
Keys are a unique value that we must pass to the key prop when we are using the .map() function to loop over an element or a component.
📄️ What is a ref? How do you use it?
A ref is a reference to a DOM element in React.
📄️ What is the useEffect hook used for?
The useEffect hook is used for performing side effects in our React components.
📄️ When do you use React Context vs Redux?
Redux is probably the most commonly used third-party global state library for React, but you can replace the word "Redux" with any global state library for React.
📄️ What are the useCallback & useMemo hooks used for?
The useCallback and useMemo hooks exist to improve our components' performance.