React useMemo
is another performance hook that allows us to ‘memoize’ a given operation.
Memoization makes it possible to remember the result of expensive calculations when they have already been made so we don’t have to make them again.
Like useEffect
and useCallback
, useMemo
accepts a callback function and a dependencies array.
Unlike both of these functions, however, useMemo
is intended to return a value.
You must return the value either explicitly with the
return keyword or implicitly but using the arrow function shorthand (seen below).
A real-world example of useMemo
comes from the mdx-bundler documentation. mdx-bundler
is a library for converting .mdx files into React components.
Here it uses useMemo
to convert a raw string of code into a React component.
import * as React from 'react'
import {getMDXComponent} from 'mdx-bundler/client'
function Post({code, frontmatter}) {
const Component = React.useMemo(() => getMDXComponent(code), [code]);
return (
<Component />
The reason for doing so is to prevent the Component
value from being recreated unnecessarily when the component re-renders.
therefore will only execute its callback function if the code
dependency changes.